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How to bring buyer personas to life
Buyer personas help your marketers and sellers to understand the world your buyers live in and the challenges they face.
In this article I suggest five ways you can bring these personas to life so that your teams truly internalise the work you've created and can use it in their outreach and messaging.
How I defined RevOpsCharlie’s ICP, buyer persona and value proposition
Here’s the framework I used to map out the ICP, buyer persona and value proposition for RevOpsCharlie when starting out - a useful framework to borrow for your own process.
How to build and use B2B buyer personas
Companies don’t buy products, people do - and having a deep understanding of the world of each of the buyer personas that buy, use or support your product is the first step in designing personalised value propositions and messaging for them.
In this article you’ll get find a template to use as well as guidance on how RevOpsCharlieGPT can help you!
How I am using RevOpsCharlieGPT to build value propositions in seconds
CustomGPTs allow you to ‘program’ ChatGPT so it learns from knowledge you provide it. I’ll walk you through three ways I am using my own GPT to create buyer personas, value propositions and suggest buyer enablement tools.