How I am using RevOpsCharlieGPT to build value propositions in seconds

AI is transforming the way that work gets done, and in this article I want to show you how I am using a custom GPT to accelerate my own work for clients.

I will also show you how you can use the same tool as long as you have a paid ChatGPT licence.

What is a custom GPT?

A custom GPT, or GPTs are a product from OpenAI that extends the functionality of the ChatGPT model you may be familiar with.

Anyone is able to create a custom version of ChatGPT, and train it with guidance about how to behave, and with ‘knowledge’ that the creator uploads to the customGPT.

When a user starts working with the customGPT, it will access the knowledge it has been provided in its answers - meaning that you can ‘program’ a customGPT to guide users through specific tasks.

Now you know - let’s look at three ways I’ve trained my own GPT to help me in my client work (and that you can use as well!)

Buyer persona creation

A critical element of building a strong value proposition is really understanding the world of the people that you are selling to - your champion, the executive sponsor, the lawyer, the technical support team.

Here’s the prompt:

“Help me build a buyer persona”

The GPT will then ask you a couple of clarifying questions:

The GPT will then provide you with a detailed description of:

  • the role,

  • the team they work in

  • their jobs to be done

  • their responsibilities

  • how they get measured

  • their main challenges

  • where they hangout and learn

  • what triggers might initiate a buying process for your product or service.

Remember, the more detail you put in your answer about the persona’s title and the products and services your company provides the better the persona details will be.

If any of the responses don’t give you actual details (i.e. specific newsletters they subscribe to, just ask the GPT to be more specific on that answer).

Value Proposition Creator

Having defined buyer personas for every member of your buying group you’ll now want to create a value proposition for each of them.

Remember - for everyone that can say “no” to your deal you’ll need to find a reason for them to say “yes” so we’ll create a value proposition for the lawyer, the security team, the trainers.

Here’s the prompt:

“Help me create a value proposition canvas”

The GPT will then ask you to provide some details around the persona you are selling into. This makes a nice follow on prompt to the buyer persona prompt as the GPT has this context already.

Having provided as much detail as you can about the persona the GPT will then provide you with:

  • This persona’s jobs to be done (their functional, social and emotional jobs)

  • The gains they want from their role (what is their dream outcome)

  • The pains that prevent them achieving their dream outcome

The GPT will then ask you about your company and the products and services you provide, before suggesting ways that your products and services can uniquely meet the gains and pains for the persona.

  • Gain creators: how the product/service can explicitly deliver the required gains

  • Pain relievers: how the product/service can explicitly remove the current pains.

For me this is the weakest area of the GPT right now - there is a huge amount of context required for developing value propositions - so I use it as inspiration rather than a defined output.

I take the combination of the buyer persona and the value proposition, plus my own research and experience, to create Value Proposition canvases.

Here is an example of one I created for a Chief Revenue Officer for the Revenue 360 Assessment Accelerator:

Buyer enablement tool designer

Buying has changed. Buyers want to experience your brand and build trust with you well before they get near a buying process.

Buyer enablement tools are great ways of giving your buyer something of value, for free, much earlier in their journey.

If you are playing around in the RevOpsCharlieGPT you are in one of my buyer enablement tools - getting to see how I think, how I work and how I could be of value to you.

But it can be hard to come up with ideas for your own buyer enablement tools.

Here’s the prompt:

“Help me create a buyer enablement tool”

The GPT will then ask you to provide detail about the type of company you sell into, the specific persona that will use the tool, and where they are in their buying journey:

The GPT will then suggest five different buyer enablement tools you could create including:

  • What type of tool it is (calculator, diagnostic, process template)

  • What data would be needed to create the tool

  • What a minimum viable product would be

  • A high level launch program for the tool of your choice

GPTs are for inspiration

As you play around with these three tools you will notice that using a GPT is not the same as using a programmed app or website - you will get varying quality and quantity of response depending on your input.

I use these tools to accelerate and guide my thinking and I hope they help you to do the same.

I would love to hear how you get on and any suggestions for improving the tools moving forward.

Get started

Whenever you are ready, there are three ways that I can help you accelerate your revenue.

  1. RevOps Maturity Assessment - Take my free 22 question assessment and receive specific suggestions on how to improve your revenue growth.

  2. Revenue 360 Assessments - inspire and lead your revenue teams with revenue specific 360 reports designed for marketing, sales and customer success teams.

  3. Pipeline Emergency Rescue - I’ll fix your pipeline problem in 12 weeks, working across your revenue teams to create and launch refined value propositions, buyer enablement tools, and new campaigns.


How to tell if you have a valuable buyer enablement offer


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