How I’m using Digital Sales Rooms for Account Based Revenue Programs

In this post I want to show you how I am using Digital Sales Rooms (DSRs) for Account Based Revenue Programs - you might call them Account Based Marketing or Target Account Selling or Customer Success Planning depending on which seat you are in.

Typically we think of DSRs on an opportunity basis:

  • initial outreach

  • post call demo

  • opportunity development and closing

  • handover to onboarding

Sites that the SDR or AE is responsible for building, maybe off a template someone in RevOps put together.

But here I want to show you how an entire account team (incorporating marketing, sales and customer success) can come together and use DSRs to initiate and expand relationships across a large enterprise account.

Why Account Based Revenue?

Just quickly, in your company you might have an Account Based Marketing Program or Target Account Selling strategy, but the reason why I use Account Based Revenue is that ABM or TAS introduce silos.

They infer ‘ownership’ of a strategy by one team when the reality is we are all on Team Revenue and we need to figure out how to drive new and expansion revenue from our largest potential accounts.

Account Based Revenue Programs bring us all together in the same strategy.

Account Based DSRs

I’ve pulled together an example DSR to focus on an account rather than an opportunity.

This DSR is just one part of a much broader Account Based Program but acts as a central hub for the other approaches - custom content, executive peering, in person events.

In this example I’m using BP - the very large, very global, very fragmented energy company (they are just an example - not a client I am working with or selling into).

As you travel through the Digital Sales Room I have built, I will guide you through each page, and you’ll see how I’m pulling together knowledge, insight, and advice from other areas of the company to provide a unique and compelling experience for contacts at the customer.

Note: the DSR will ask you for your email address - this will add you to my weekly newsletter where I share posts like this.

For a new member of the buying group at BP, this micro-portal is a ‘bookmarkable’ site that helps them to collaborate better with their colleagues and run a better buying process.

Remember - selling is hard, but buying is harder. Sites like these help your buyer to do their job better.

I hope you found that DSR tour useful.

The DSR was built on a platform called Trumpet - you can find out more about them at

Next week I’ll share an example focused on an micro-segment of similar accounts rather than an individual account - this can help you as you scale your 1:Many or programmatic activities.

Get started

Whenever you are ready, there are three ways that I can help you accelerate your revenue.

  1. RevOps Maturity Assessment - Take my free 22 question assessment and receive specific suggestions on how to improve your revenue growth.

  2. Revenue 360 Assessments - inspire and lead your revenue teams with revenue specific 360 reports designed for marketing, sales and customer success teams.

  3. Pipeline Emergency Rescue - I’ll fix your pipeline problem in 12 weeks, working across your revenue teams to create and launch refined value propositions, buyer enablement tools, and new campaigns.


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NEW: Revenue 360 Assessments