NEW: Revenue 360 Assessments

This week I started the roll out of Revenue 360 Assessments to help revenue leaders and their teams align across the go-to-market function and inspire themselves for success.

What is a 360 assessment?

360 assessments are employee surveys that gather input from an individual, those that they report into, their peers, and their direct reports. 360 degrees - above, below and alongside.

By comparing the aggregated responses with those of the assessed individual, the recipient learns how they are perceived by others, where their strengths are and what opportunities for improvement they have in front of them.

I’ve been through 360 assessments myself, and I still have the reports close by - the combination of qualitative and quantitative feedback guides my behaviour long after the report was delivered.

Why would you use a Revenue 360 assessment?

Revenue 360s are assessments specifically designed for individuals in a revenue-related role - across marketing, sales, customer success and revenue operations.

They give give individuals in your go-to-market team a unique perspective of themselves that they wouldn’t otherwise see, by inviting peers, direct reports and their manager to provide actionable feedback.

Revenue 360 assessments go beyond generic 360s by focusing on the specific capabilities required to succeed in go-to-market roles - including sales and marketing alignment, use of revenue technology, and customer focus.

For leaders, launching a Revenue 360 process and enabling your teams on the output demonstrates your commitment to an aligned go-to-market function.

It tells your team silos are no longer acceptable. We are one team, we work together, and put our customer’s experience at the centre of everything we do.

Which Revenue 360 Assessments are available?

Revenue 360 assessments are available for most roles in the go-to-market function, including:

  • Chief Revenue Officer

  • Chief Marketing Officer

  • VP Sales

  • Marketing Director

  • Account Executive

  • Sales Development Representative

  • Customer Success Manager

  • VP Revenue Operations

Each assessment is designed to focus on the unique capabilities of that role:

For example, an AE is assessed on their ability to collaborate with their SDRs, their SEs, their CSMs, and their marketing team, as well as their ability to generate their own pipeline and understand their customer’s business.

How are Revenue 360 Assessments priced?

Revenue 360 assessments are priced dependent on the number of assessed individuals - not the number of survey submissions.

Pricing starts at $350 per assessed individual and volume discounts are available.

The fee includes all management of the survey process, the consolidation of the report results and provision of a 25 page personalised report for each assessed individual.

Assessment customisation and co-branding can be provided for an additional fee.

Do I buy one assessment or a bundle?

Revenue 360 assessments can be purchased individually or in bundles.

Individual reports can be useful for senior leaders in advance of an annual review or promotional interview.

Bundles are useful when looking to level up an entire team or drive alignment across your marketing, sales and customer success functions.

Typically a company will purchase a bundle and then assign out across the go-to-market team as part of an annual review cycle.

Can I test one out?

Absolutely - click the button below to get a feel for the experience of an assessment.

This assessment it aimed at the revenue leader in an organisation - the Chief Revenue Officer or CEO if the go-to-market teams are still run by VPs.

In a real assessment, once all submissions have been received, the assessment sponsor will receive the aggregated report feedback.

How do I get started?

If you’d like to explore Revenue 360 Assessments for your go-to-market team then get in touch to discuss which roles you’d like to include and what you hope to get out of the analysis.

Get started

Whenever you are ready, there are three ways that I can help you accelerate your revenue.

  1. RevOps Maturity Assessment - Take my free 22 question assessment and receive specific suggestions on how to improve your revenue growth.

  2. Business Model Design Workshops - I’ll work with you and your team to design or refine a business model and value propositions for a new or existing product.

  3. Pipeline Emergency Rescue - I’ll fix your pipeline problem in 12 weeks, working across your revenue teams to create and launch refined value propositions, buyer enablement tools, and new campaigns.


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