Design your RevOps Tech Stack with Demo Day

The RevOpsCharlie Demo Day video series is created for founders and revenue leaders that are trying to design a well thought through tech stack to support your go-to-market teams.

You want to see the tool in action, you want to ask questions about how others are using it….but you know that if you fill in that contact form or download the ebook you’ll be on the receiving end of an email sequence and twenty calls.

In the Demo Day series I do the work for you - interviewing leading tech stack vendors about their platform and their proposition.

  • Who do they sell to?

  • What problems are those companies and individuals facing?

  • How are they solving those problems today?

  • What are the alternatives?

  • How is the product licenced?

  • And then we get into a demo of a simple use case so you can see the tool.

I hope these videos give you a feel for the company, the culture of the organisation and how the product can support your team.

Here’s a selection of my favourites so far:


Callum McManus from Cognism discusses the challenges of finding accurate contact data for your go-to-market teams.


Zach Otto from Gong joins me to discuss how call recording helps sellers to follow up on their own meetings and leaders to analyse meetings at scale.


Matt Hicks walks us through the challenge of SaaS cost bloat and how to stay on top of your SaaS procurement and adoption.


Nick Telson-Sillet discusses the challenge of keeping large and dispersed buying groups aligned and demos digital sales rooms as a tool for keeping deals on track.


Holden Miller joins the channel to explain that buying decisions are increasingly reliant on trusted relationships to cut through the noise. Partnerships will become ever more important as companies scale through nearbound.

View the full playlist

In addition to these we have great episodes with:

  • Journey - Digital sales rooms

  • Pointerpro - buyer enablement assessments and surveys

  • Younium - advanced SaaS subscription management

  • Lative - predicting sales capacity requirements

  • Flowla - Digital sales rooms

  • Connect and Sell - automated dialling and IVR navigation

Record your own Demo Day

If you are a tech company that sells into go-to-market teams and would like to be included in a future episode of Demo Day just let me know by heading to the contact page on this site.

Would love to share your story.

Get started

Whenever you are ready, there are three ways that I can help you accelerate your revenue.

  1. RevOps Maturity Assessment - Take my free 22 question assessment and receive specific suggestions on how to improve your revenue growth.

  2. Revenue 360 Assessments - inspire and lead your revenue teams with revenue specific 360 reports designed for marketing, sales and customer success teams.

  3. Pipeline Emergency Rescue - I’ll fix your pipeline problem in 12 weeks, working across your revenue teams to create and launch refined value propositions, buyer enablement tools, and new campaigns.


How I am using RevOpsCharlieGPT to build value propositions in seconds


NEW: The Revenue Operations Playbook for Founders