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Sales Charlie Cowan Sales Charlie Cowan

Inbound, outbound and now inbound-led outbound?

Its too easy to fall into an internally-focused view of our prospecting channels. Inbound, outbound, nearbound, inbound-led outbound….

If we put our customer at the centre of the process we look at things in a very different way and start to align our efforts.

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Sales Charlie Cowan Sales Charlie Cowan

Give your SDRs a grand slam offer to give to buyers

What is the value that your SDRs are taking out to their prospects in their outreach? A webinar or product datasheet is not a valuable offer.

In this article we’ll look at what makes a valuable offer and how to arm your SDRs with something that buyers would feel stupid to say no to.

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Sales Charlie Cowan Sales Charlie Cowan

Two customer-centric book recommendations

Two recently published books for RevOps leaders to get their heads into.

Both books highlight the need to focus on your customer’s experience as they travel through your go-to-market teams, systems and processes.

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Sales Charlie Cowan Sales Charlie Cowan

What makes a great sales playbook?

A sales playbook is a series of repeatable steps that gives you the best chance of a positive outcome,

So says Matt Rosenberg or Grammarly in this week’s 20Sales interview.

I dive into playbooks in more detail and guide you on how to build your own.

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Sales Charlie Cowan Sales Charlie Cowan

Is this the end of the SDRmy?

SDRs are having fewer quality conversations per day, and AEs at Outreach and Salesloft are struggling to meet quota.

Is this the end of the role of the SDR as companies take control of their buying process?

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Sales Charlie Cowan Sales Charlie Cowan

Adding virality to Enterprise products

Virality is not just a Product Led Growth Strategy. Enterprise products can encourage happy users to promote, share and bring in new users. In this article I give you five ideas to get started.

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