AI for non-technical CXOs - free email course


As more of the work I do with clients revolves around AI strategy I’ve pulled together a free 15 day email course to help non-technical CxO’s get their heads around the impact that AI will have on their businesses.

The number one predictor of AI thinking being embedded across an organisation is when a senior leader, ideally the CEO, gets it, uses AI for their own work, and gives ‘permission’ to the rest of the company to experiment and embed AI in their own processes and teams.

The problem is, that in many companies the CEO or CFO is not-technical, and they may be of an age where they feel that AI has passed them by and they are too old to learn new tricks.

But it is not too late, and more than that, it is the responsibility of senior leaders to quickly learn how this technology will transform the way businesses run before their competitors do.

In this email course I cover topics in a non-technical way, coaching execs through the business implications of AI and how their P&Ls and payroll bill is likely to be affected.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Discuss AI with your technical executives without feeling lost

  • Understand how AI will impact your company’s financial statements

  • Make strategic decisions about how AI should impact your business

  • Reinforce your executive team to prepare for the new world

  • Uncover and prioritise the high impact use cases for AI in your company

  • Prepare your company, your leaders and your employees to win in an AI future

Here’s what you can expect over 15 days - a 5 minute email covering:

  • Day 1: What Artificial Intelligence is and how it differs from human intelligence

  • Day 2: How AI will impact the way companies run

  • Day 3: Where AI can have impact across your business

  • Day 4: Playing with AI yourself

  • Day 5: AI and first principles thinking

  • Day 6: Reinforcing your executive team

  • Day 7: Understanding your processes

  • Day 8: Uncovering your data

  • Day 9: Building a future proof AI system

  • Day 10: Bringing your senior leaders on board

  • Day 11: Pushing AI into every team in the business

  • Day 12: Leading the communication program

  • Day 13: Speaking with your peers

  • Day 14: AI is the strategy plus recommended reading

  • Day 15: Go forth and win!

If you know someone that this course would be ideal for - please forward on.


SaaS and AI - from trains to travel passes