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How to run great customer interviews
Once at scale, too few companies spend time really listening to their customers and understanding their world, their pain and how they make decisions on where to spend their hard won money.
In this article I'll walk you through the Switch Interview process and provide you with an easy template to make your own.
Is Customer Success a sales role in 2024?
Customer Success is evolving fast, and with the pressure on CSMs to deliver expansion revenue and increase net revenue retention, are they now a pure sales role? In this article I look into the role and how they are compensated.
5 Random Acts of Kindness for your customers
When did you last give your customer something with no expectation of anything in return?
A free upgrade on a plane makes you feel 10 foot tall - so consider how you can replicate that in your SaaS business.
How P&G won the Indian market by being customer-obsessed
After P&G’s 2005 acquisition of Gillette they used their customer obsession to design and build a market winning razor for the Indian market.
Learn how they approached it and how listening to customers is not only for seed stage businesses.
Is this the end of Customer Success?
Two contrarian views to the default customer success strategy followed by most SaaS businesses.
Frank Slootman of Snowflake and Jason Lemkin of SaaStr challenge the CSM role.
How we used weekly NPS to reduce churn
We used weekly NPS surveys in a Professional Services business to gather customer sentiment and spot early warning signals of issues. Here’s how we did it, and how you can implement in your own product or services business.