How Snowflake use their leaders to enable their buyers

Here’s an idea you can quickly implement to put your senior leaders to work enabling buyers.

Snowflake have a section on their website where you (the buyer or partner) can request a speaker for your next event.

  • A customer event

  • A leadership retreat

  • A partner summit

And these aren’t low level speakers - this is the Co-Founder, the CMO, the CRO, the CIO - and many more.

The Speakers Bureau page allows you to refine the speakers by topics, location and language,

The page then lists the speakers, their profiles, their location and importantly the expertise that they can speak to.

Many leaders can be heard saying “Let me know how I can be helpful” - well here is a tangible way of being helpful.

Leaders can take responsibility for having a “go to presentation” on an industry topic they know well, and have that profiled and offered on the company website.

An event team can triage requests and only put forward those that are a valuable use of time for these executives.

Which executives would you put forward in your organisation?

Get started

Whenever you are ready, there are two ways that I can help you with your RevOps tech stack.

  1. Buyer Experience Audit - I’ll impersonate a buyer researching your segment and company and let you know what I find. Ideal for planning your RevOps strategy.

  2. RevOps Impact Playbooks - I’ll help you implement one or more tactical processes across your revenue teams - content, referrals, testimonials, adoption and more.


Two CEOs enabling buyers on LinkedIn


Designing your RevOps Tech Stack