What should be in the first 90 day plan for a VP of Revenue Operations?

The VP of Revenue Operations role is still so new, that while it is one of the fastest growing jobs in the US, there is no manual to follow to help you get started.

So I’ve built a template to inspire and guide your conversations with your boss, other senior executives, and your new team (if you have one yet!).

The template is pretty self explanatory, so just open it, make a copy, and start editing to your scenario.

But if you want a bit of context as to what I have included and why - read on.

What is the format of the 30-60-90 day plan?

Your first 90 days as a senior executive is critical to setting the tone of your career at the company.

You’ve been hired to deliver change - and if 100 days in people above, alongside and below you aren’t seeing that change arrive - questions are being asked.

This plan provides an overview of all of the areas you’ll be overseeing, with specific goals to achieve as you go through the first 90 says.

There is a lot here - and depending on the size of the team you are joining, where they are in their annual cycle, and what previous work you are inheriting, you might be scratching some of these off immediately, or adding others in - but its a start to get you going.

Topic areas

The first column is for the high level responsibilities for your role:

  • Revenue Strategy - this is ultimately owned by the CRO or CEO - but as you strive for a seat at the C-suite table this is top of your list.

  • Insights/Data - using data to deliver meaningful insights to buyers, sellers and leaders

  • Systems - ensuring the GTM team has the right tools to do the job (and no more)

  • Enablement - of sellers and buyers helping them to sell and buy

  • Deal desk - ensuring rapid and practical support to get deals done

  • Team building - your own RevOps team, and the wider GTM team

  • Transparency - across each function to build one aligned and united revenue team!

If you have other areas of responsibility - add a new topic area to the template.


This plan follows the OKR model - Objective and Key Results.

The Objective is a high level goal that is easy for you and anyone else to understand. It is aspirational and yet achievable with a stretch.

  • “The team have the right tools to do the job”

  • “A trusted partner to Marketing, Sales and Customer Success”

These are easy to understand and should align to the company’s strategic objectives.

There are a lot on this list - you’ll prioritise your list so aim for just one or two objectives per topic area for the first 90 days - there will be plenty of time in the second 90 days to pick up more!

Key Results - 30 days, 60 days, 90 days

A lot of 30-60-90 day plans fall into the trap of listing what the person will do - initiatives.

  • “Visit customers”

  • “Review commission plan”

  • “Organise 121s”

At the end of 90 days it is difficult to assess whether these goals were achieved or not.

Key Results look at it from the perspective of how we will know we achieved the goal, typically including a number or binary situation that is not debatable.

“Met with 8 customers” - either you did or you didn’t

For each of the Objectives you will see three Key Results - one for 30 days, one for 60 days, and one for 90 days.

The suggested Key Results will need more detail depending on your situation - be specific.

  • Does the Key Result make it easy to understand whether it was or was not achieved?

  • Does the Key Result support the achievement of the Objective?

  • Does achieving all three Key Results over 90 days achieve the Objective?

If you answer no to any of these go back to your Key Results and rework them.

Get to work!

I hope this template has given you some inspiration and focus on where you have have the biggest impact in your first 90 days.

Having refined your list of topics, objectives and key results - whether you choose to keep your plan in this template, move it to a project management tool like Asana or Trello, or create some pretty slides is up to you.

Most important is to focus on delivering those Key Results.

If at the end of 90 days you’ve delivered what’s on your list, someone somewhere is asking “Where did we find them?!! Amazing!”

Good luck, and if there are other topic areas of objectives you’d suggest adding to the template - just let me know!

Get started

Whenever you are ready, there are three ways that I can help you accelerate your revenue.

  1. Buyer Enablement Assessment - Answer nine questions in five minutes and receive your free personalised report to help you SDRs and AEs generate pipeline.

  2. Revenue 360 Assessments - inspire and lead your revenue teams with revenue specific 360 reports designed for marketing, sales and customer success teams.

  3. Buyer Enablement Platform - We’ll design, build and manage your buyer enablement platform on your behalf - generating quality pipeline in under 90 days.


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